Do You Get Paid to Go to Jury Duty - Pay Guide
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Do You Get Paid to Go to Jury Duty? Answer May Surprise You

We may not like it, but jury duty is important to our civic duty as citizens. It’s also a common question—if you’re called to serve, do you get paid to go to jury duty?

We’ll provide you with all the information you need about jury duty and if, how much, and when you can expect compensation. With this knowledge, we’ll help make the process smoother for you should you ever be called to serve on a jury. So let’s dive in to learn more about getting paid for jury duty!

Do You Get Paid to Go to Jury Duty?

Do you get paid to go to jury duty? It’s a question that can cause plenty of anxiety and confusion for a prospective juror. But the answer may surprise you—yes, you get paid to go to jury duty! In fact, there are several types of compensation for those who serve on a jury.

First, even if your employer doesn’t pay you for the time spent on jury service, many state or local governments offer some form of “juror pay.” This pay is often calculated based on the length of the trial or according to the juror’s daily or hourly salary. Not all states and counties offer this type of pay—so it’s important to check with your local court for more details.

You may also claim reimbursement for transportation costs, meals, and childcare expenses as part of your service. Again, these details vary from state to state—so it’s important to check with your local court before claiming any reimbursements.

All in all, you should know that serving on a jury is an important civic duty that also comes with some financial compensation!

Jury Duty Pay Rate

Have you ever been called to sit on a jury? As you may know, serving on a jury is one of the most important civic duties any American can be asked to do—so it would make sense to get paid for this service, right?

Shockingly, you aren’t generally compensated for your time sitting on a jury. In most states, jurors receive only their travel expenses and parking fees. You will not receive any additional pay for meals or lodging.

However, some states provide a “jury fee” for attending court and participating in the selection process. In these cases, you may be eligible to receive $10-$50 per day for jury selection, depending on state and federal laws.

But suppose you are assigned to an extended trial period that lasts more than a few days or weeks. In that case, you may be eligible for the maximum compensation rate provided by your local jurisdiction (up to $50 per day). So when it comes to jury duty pay rates across the United States—it depends on your individual situation and the laws of your state.

What Is Jury Duty?

You might be wondering what exactly jury duty is. So, here’s the basics: Jury duty is when you’re summoned to serve on a civil or criminal trial in a court of law. You’ll be asked to analyze evidence, decide on the facts and make decisions based on your understanding of the law.

Sounds like a lot of responsibility? It can be! That’s why it’s important to know that not everyone is called for jury duty—it’s selected citizens that are chosen to serve and can be removed if they have conflicts of interest.

So, you might wonder if there’s any compensation for jury duty. Here’s where things get interesting:

  1. Most employers are required to pay their employees while they are away on jury duty
  2. In some areas, you will receive reimbursement for wages lost due to serving on a jury
  3. Not all states provide financial compensation for jurors, but you may receive a gift certificate or other rewards for serving successfully.
  4. Jurors may also be reimbursed for parking fees and other associated costs with serving.

The answer is yes, you get paid to go to jury duty in some way or another. So, next time you get called in for service, don’t despair—you may get some money!

Do Companies Pay Employees While On Jury Duty

You may wonder if companies pay employees while on jury duty. The answer depends on the company’s size, but larger corporations are generally more likely to pay an employee than smaller ones.

For instance, some large companies offer full or partial salary continuation and even full reimbursement for travel expenses. But that doesn’t mean you should plan on making money while sitting in a courtroom waiting to be called in—it’s still up to the employer to decide whether they’ll pay your salary. It’s usually dependent on their own policies and procedures.

State Laws

It’s important to note that some states have laws that require employers to provide paid time off for jury duty. For example, California law requires employers with 10 or more employees to provide up to five paid days off for jury duty. Other states have similar laws in place; it’s worth checking what your state offers before making any decisions about jury duty.

Local Employers

Your local employers might also be more likely to pay your wages while you’re on jury duty, especially if they don’t have a lot of employees. Don’t be afraid to ask your employer what their policy is—they may not offer any compensation, but you won’t know until you ask!

Federal Courts vs State and Local Jury Pay

So, do you get paid for jury duty? The answer depends on the type of court you’re serving in. The rules for state and local courts vary from state to state, but all federal courts adhere to the same rules, so let’s break them down.

Federal Courts

If you serve as a juror in federal court, it’s good news—you’re getting paid! Federal courts pay all jurors $30 per day. Also, if you travel to get there (i.e., more than 35 miles), you get reimbursement for your mileage, according to the IRS standard rate of $0.56 per mile. Federal law does not require employers to pay an employee on federal jury trials.

State and Local Courts

Now it gets a bit tricky. Every state is different regarding jury duty payments—some don’t pay anything, while others pay around $10–$20 per day or up to $50/per day after a certain amount of time served on a particular case. You can check local laws or contact the court clerk in your county to see if they pay for jury duty service and, if so, how much and under what conditions. Sometimes you also have transportation costs covered; some states give small subsidies for meals during service days; some states provide discounts in local stores or restrooms and even free parking at the courthouse!

Who Can Be Called for Jury Duty?

So, who can actually be called for jury duty? It may surprise you that it’s not just citizens in the United States who can be summoned for jury service. Permanent legal residents, meaning people with a green card or some other form of permission from the U.S. government to work and live here, are also eligible to serve.

That said, certain groups of people don’t qualify for jury duty. This includes:

  • Illegal aliens
  • Minors younger than 18
  • People convicted of felonies (unless their civil rights have been restored)
  • People deemed mentally incompetent by a judge
  • Nonresident aliens
  • Those unable to communicate in English

It’s also possible to be exempt from jury service if you are a federal employee, military personnel, or religious clergy. In some states, people over 75 are legally allowed to skip jury duty too. These exemptions must be claimed when summoned and authorized by a judge.

Jury Duty Pay Laws by State

Did you know that laws regarding jury duty pay vary from state to state? Some states may not pay you anything, while others will pay you a decent amount. Here’s what you should know when it comes to jury duty pay:

Jury Duty Pay in Arizona

If you are called for jury duty in Arizona, you will be paid $12 per day, per state law. If you have served for lengthier cases, you can receive up to $50 for each day of attendance. You will also be reimbursed for mileage expenses if your round-trip from your home exceeds 25 miles.

Jury Duty Pay in California

California law requires employers to pay their employees the amount that the court pays them—ranging from $15-50 per day—for serving as a juror. Employers are not required to reimburse mileage or parking costs, however. Employers are also not required to pay more than what is being paid by the court.

Jury Duty Pay in Texas

Texas pays jurors $6 per day all the way up to $50 per day. Employers in the state are not required to pay regular wages to an employee for jury duty due to Texas laws.

What Happens When You Get Called for Jury Duty?

So you may be asking, what happens when you get called for jury duty? Well, the answer may surprise you.

Who Is Eligible To Serve On A Jury?

The American legal system calls upon citizens over 18 who are registered to vote and able to understand English to serve on juries. Exceptions are made for those with a criminal record or mental incapacity. In some cases, military members may also be excused from jury duty.

What Happens At Jury Duty?

Once you receive your summons for jury duty, you will report to court for the first day of jury service. You may be dismissed that same day if you don’t qualify or no trial requires an audience. However, if a trial is underway, potential jurors must answer questions from lawyers and a judge to determine if they can provide an unbiased opinion before being selected.

Is There Payment For Jury Duty?

In most cases, yes! It’s important to remember that while participating in jury duty is considered your civic responsibility, It’s not like working at a job—you are not obligated to commit 8 or 10 hours per day to it. If you’re asked to serve on a jury, then your employer must pay you at least your normal rate of pay while serving on that jury—if they don’t comply, then they can face severe penalties. Additionally, many state governments provide payment in exchange for jurors’ service time, which ranges between $10 – $50 each day, depending on where you live and how long the trial lasts.

Other Benefits of Being a Juror

You might be surprised to learn that being a juror has other benefits besides financial compensation. For example, did you know that:

  1. Employers are required by law to give you jury duty leave. That means if you’ve got a job, your employer has to hold your position or give it back to you when your time as a juror is finished — plus, you can’t be discriminated against for taking time off.
  2. The court will pay for parking, reimburse public transportation costs and provide meals while in service. It’s all covered by the legal system, so you don’t have to worry about spending extra money on these costs while serving jury duty.
  3. Do you get access to private courtrooms, special smoking rooms, and comfortable seating areas while on jury duty? It’s true — many courtrooms provide special amenities just for jurors!

Besides feeling a sense of civic pride from doing your civic duty as a juror, it’s also important to remember that being part of the judicial system is an incredible opportunity to learn about the laws in action and play an important role in the justice system.

How to Prepare to Serve Jury Duty

Do you need to prepare for jury duty? Absolutely! You owe it to yourself to be ready for your civic duty and your first day of jury duty.

You can do a few things ahead of time that will help when you get called.

Know the Basics

Knowing the basics when you report for jury duty is important to know what to expect when you show up. Ensure you understand how many days a jury service usually lasts and what’s expected of you during the trial process.

Ask Questions Ahead of Time

You probably have many questions, so don’t hesitate to ask them! Most counties allow people to call ahead of time and ask questions about jury duty. That way, when your summons arrives, you’ll have all the information at your fingertips.

Brush Up on Court Protocols

Courtroom protocols and procedures can vary by jurisdiction, but many follow similar rules. You should know how to dress appropriately (typically business casual or business attire), address judges or attorneys, and respond if your case requires a verdict or judgment.

Ultimately, preparing for jury duty means being informed about the process and knowing what’s expected of jurors in court. With some advanced preparation and research, you’ll be more than ready for this important civic responsibility when your mission arrives!


You may wonder if you will get paid for your time on jury duty. We understand why you’d ask, so let’s answer some of the most common questions about whether you get paid for jury duty.

What does the law say?

Laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but it’s generally accepted that those summoned for jury duty get compensation. This is usually paid by either the state or county.

How much am I compensated?

That will depend on various factors, including your state or county and the length of time required to serve your jury duty. For example, in some states like California, jurors are paid a flat fee of $15 per day and an extra $25 for each half-day served. In other states like Texas, jurors are reimbursed $40 per day and up to 80 cents per mile traveled if their courthouse is more than 50 miles away.

Is there anything else I should know?

Yes! Jurors may also receive additional payments from employers or non-profits (but you can check with your local courthouse to see if this is allowed). Lastly, many employers still pay employees who go on jury duty — including employees of federal agencies — so it’s important to know your rights regarding being compensated for jury service!


There is still much to learn in American judicial systems about how jurors are compensated. The method and the amount of compensation vary greatly from state to state and even change from one case to the next.

Whatever it is, you should understand your rights, ask questions if necessary, and contact your local courthouse for clarification. Being on a jury is an important civic duty that should be taken seriously, but you should also make sure to get the compensation you’re entitled to. After all, your time is being taken away from you. So don’t forget: ask questions and get the answers you need.

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