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1000 Teaspoons to Ounces Conversion

Want to convert 1000 Teaspoons to Ounces (tsp to oz) for your tasty recipe!

Converting 1000 tsp to oz is easy with our simple to use conversion calculator or keep reading to learn how to convert these units yourself!

What is 1000 Teaspoons to Ounces? (1000 tsp to oz)

1000 Teaspoons (tsp) Equals 166.667 Ounces (oz)

or 1000 tsp = 166.667 oz

Teaspoons to Ounces Calculator

How to Convert 1000 Teaspoons to Ounces (tsp to oz)

How to Convert Teaspoons to Ounces

Learn the super easy conversion of Teaspoons to Ounces. It’s simple to convert tsp to with the  general equation below, all you have to do is divide tsp by 6 to get oz:

Teaspoons to Ounces calculation:

  • Conversion factor:

  1 Teaspoons (tsp) = 1 tsp ÷ 6 = 1/6 Ounces (oz)

  • 1000 Teaspoons to Ounces Conversion Equation

  1000 tsp = 1000 tsp ÷ 6 = 166.667 oz

Common Teaspoons to Ounces Conversions

Teaspoons Ounces Teaspoons Ounces
1 tsp 1/6 oz 50 tsp 8 1/3 oz
2 tsp 1/3 oz 60 tsp 10 oz
3 tsp 1/2 oz 70 tsp 11 2/3 oz
4 tsp 2/3 oz 80 tsp 13 1/3 oz
5 tsp 5/6 oz 90 tsp 15 oz
6 tsp 1 oz 100 tsp 16 2/3 oz
7 tsp 1 1/6 oz 125 tsp 20 5/6 oz
8 tsp 1 1/3 oz 150 tsp 25 oz
9 tsp 1 1/2 oz 175 tsp 29 1/6 oz
10 tsp 1 2/3 oz 200 tsp 33 1/3 oz
15 tsp 2 1/2 oz 250 tsp 41 2/3 oz
20 tsp 3 1/3 oz 300 tsp 50 oz
25 tsp 4 1/6 oz 500 tsp 83 1/3 oz
30 tsp 5 oz 750 tsp 125 oz
40 tsp 6 2/3 oz 1000 tsp 166 2/3 oz

Convert 1000 Teaspoons to Other Kitchen Units

Want to convert 1000 Teaspoons to other volume units? Well here are some more helpful volume conversions:

Unit 1000 Teaspoons (tsp) =
Tablespoons (tbsp) 333.333 tbsp
Ounces (oz) 166.667 oz
Cups 20.833 cups
Milliliters 4,928.92 mL

What is a Teaspoon (tsp)?

Teaspoons (tsp) are a measurement of volume that is most commonly used in cooking.

A teaspoon is equal to 1/6rd of a Ounce, 1/6th of an ounce, or 1/48th of a cup.

The abbreviation symbol for Teaspoons is “tsp”. For example 1000 Teaspoons can be written as 1000 tsp.

Learn about the teaspoon measurement here.

What are Ounces (oz)?

A fluid ounce is a unit of weight equal to 1/16th of a pound, that is most commonly used in most British derived Customary Systems of Measurement. The Unit of ounce is also equal to 6 teaspoons or 1/8th of a cup. The ounce is primary used in the United States to measure food and fluids.

The ounce uses the symbol oz. For example 1 ounces can be also written as 1 oz.

Learn more about the ounce here.