Learn how to easily convert 1000 Meters to Feet (m to ft), plus extra conversion information and common conversion charts.
1000 Meters to Feet Conversion
How many feet is 1000 meters? 1000 Meters is 1 Kilometer
1000 Meters is Equal to 3280.84 Feet or Approximately 3281 Feet
1000m = 3280.84ft
How to Convert Meters to Feet
Converting Meters to Feet is easy once you know that 1 Meter (m) is equal to 3.28084 Feet (ft). Using this you can convert meters to feet with multiplication using the equation below.
Meter to Feet Conversion Factor: 1 Meter (m) = 3.28084 Feet (ft)
The Simple Meter (m) to Feet (ft) Conversion Equation is:
Example for 1000 Meters to Feet:
Quick Chart of Common Meter to Feet Conversions
Meters (m) | Feet (ft) | Meters (m) | Feet (ft) | |
1 | 3.28084 | 40 | 131.234 | |
2 | 6.56168 | 50 | 164.042 | |
3 | 9.84252 | 60 | 196.85 | |
4 | 13.1234 | 70 | 229.659 | |
5 | 16.4042 | 80 | 262.467 | |
10 | 32.8084 | 90 | 295.276 | |
15 | 49.2126 | 100 | 328.084 | |
20 | 65.6168 | 500 | 1,640.42 | |
25 | 82.021 | 1,000 | 3,280.84 | |
30 | 98.4252 | 10,000 | 32,808.4 |
Common Meter Length Conversion Factors
1 Meter (m) is equal to these length units:
Unit | Length Conversion Factor |
Nanometer | 1x10^9 nm |
Micometer | 1x10^6 μm |
Millimeter | 1000 mm |
Centimeter | 100 cm |
Meter | 1 m |
Kilometer | 0.001 km |
Inch | 39.3701 in |
Feet | 3.28084 ft |
Yard | 1.09361 yd |
Mile | 0.0006214 mi |
Convert Meters to Feet to Inches
Do you want to know how to convert meters to inches instead of feet?
Knowing that there are 12 inches (in) in a foot (ft) and 3.28084 feet in a meter (m), we get the following meter to inches conversion factor:
Meter to Inches Conversion Factor: 1m = 39.3701in
So, to convert meters to inches the equation would be:
Example meter to inches conversion:
How to Convert Feet to Meters

Feet can be converted back to Meters similar to the Meter to Feet conversion.
The conversion factor for Feet (ft) to Meters (m) is: 1 ft = 0.3048 m
The Feet to Meter Conversion is:
What is a Meter?
A Meter (m) or Metre is the base unit of length in the Metric System. It is also the base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), which uses the Metric System as the preferred unit of length.
Meters (Metre) are the most commonly used measurement unit of length throughout the world and in the scientific community. The official definition is the length of the path that light travels in 1 / 299,792,458 of a second. Check out the dictionary definition here.
What is a Foot (Feet)?
A Foot (ft) or plural Feet is the base unit of measurement in the Imperial and US Customary systems of measurement. It historically came from the size of a human foot or 12 inches. Feet units are primarily used in the United States of America, and it is the only industrialized nation that uses it instead of meters or the Metric system. Check out the dictionary definition here.